I pledge allegiance to
🤚🏻 Autonomy
🤚🏻 Self governance
🤚🏻 Independence
🤚🏻 Self actualization
After my fair share of experience with unhealthy, codependent, and dead relationships, I adopted the rule for myself to pursue and remain autonomous. It was introduced to me by Great Relationships University
I went from avoiding emotional connections, feeling needy if I did develop a connection to now feeling a liberated, strong sense of self more and more every day. I was a jealous and terrified person.
Now I'm in an open relationship which required me to rid myself of every one of those limiting fears. 🌱 I’m so glad I didn’t let fear stop me and that I chose a lifestyle that challenged my old beliefs so that I could grow and experience life with someone I find most astonishing while simultaneously being true to myself.
If I “love someone” I don’t want to spend life with them and one day realize that by being with me, they may have missed out on tons of opportunities in life they would have otherwise got to experience as an independent individual. All just for a false sense of security that they are “mine" and obligating them to me 🤦🏼♀️
🤲🏻❤️ I’d rather love them without requiring anything in return,
appreciate who they are,
be happy for their mere existence, appreciative every time they are with me is always out of choice,
encouraging and proud of all the experiences and people they share connection, joy, and pleasure with.
Knowing they are living life to their fullest potential and not sacrificing it.
They are loved AND free,
true to themselves,
loyal to their happiness.
His coming back to me means that We share something authentic and likely to persist and lessens the likelihood of the common relationship killers (being taken for granted, bed death, feeling trapped or controlled, jealousy, codependency, lying, etc)
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April 26, 2020
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